Operative is certified Make Partner Level 4 - Advanced

Operative is an officially certified Make.com partner!


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Automation because you want to make it easier for yourself, your colleagues or your company makes sense. Preferably, this automation is not a complex thing. That's where Make (formerly Integromat) comes in; with this no-code platform for automation, you can effortlessly connect software and automate tasks. But Make's convenience doesn't stand in the way of sophisticated scenarios and logic. After completing all assignments and exams, Operative is officially certified to use and advise Make at an advanced level!

This means that we are skilled in topics such as iterations, aggregations, error handling, data structures, data storage, the Repeater, and text parser. All on top of the practical experience we already had in our pockets.

Officieel Make.com (voorheen integromat) gecertificeerd partner en export op niveau level 4 - advanced