The renewed Teamleader Focus project module

Teamleader is launching a new way of project management that adapts to the way you work.


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A new approach

You may have already known that Teamleader Focus is an all-in-one solution for managing your work, keeping contact information and selling contact information. But recently, the entire project module has been renewed. No, even better! A completely new project module has been developed separately from the old project module. As Teamleader itself says: “At a certain point, it's easier to tear down the house”. Source. The new project module gives you and your team complete freedom in planning, executing and billing projects. Here we list the advantages and the biggest differences with the old module for you.


The new module makes it easier to apply your own workflow, instead of adapting your workflow to the module (as was the case in the old module). Every company, team, and user has a slightly different way of working. It is therefore important that every person can find their way in a project management tool. But how do you ensure that each individual can work in their own way in a tool?

The project module is built on the principle of 'flexibility'. In practice, this is demonstrated by the many customizable elements and data in a project, without complexity and without losing the overview. This way, you can not only add tasks and appointments to the project, but also materials. You also choose which data is displayed in the header, and you can see at a glance what is important to you.

Drag groups and items easily.

From quotation, to project, to invoice

The quotes and CRM are seamlessly integrated with the project module; in Teamleader Focus, everything works together in one place. After your quotation has been signed by your customer, you can convert it all or part of it into a project. You can convert the items in the quotation into a task, appointment or material. For both groups and for each individual item, you can then choose from different types of billing methods. This makes it possible to track and invoice projects of any kind from Teamleader Focus. When billing, you decide which parts you invoice based on group, selection or data.

All lines of the accepted offer are converted to project components.

Differences with the old project module at a glance

Groups versus phases

In the old module, it was possible to add project phases. One phase was always mandatory, and phases had a very rigid appearance. The new project module uses groups that are easy to drag and duplicate. This way, you can arrange and organize quickly and easily. You can also merge two groups by dragging one group within the other group.

Combine your work

It is possible to link multiple quotes to one project, which was not possible before. This way, you can combine multiple won deals from the same, or different, customers into one project. It is not necessary to convert complete quotes into a project; you can choose which parts to take from the accepted offers. You can then also choose when and which parts of the project you invoice to which linked customer.


It is possible to add multiple customers to the same project and also invoice these customers separately. That is the power of working together. In addition, you can make multiple users responsible for a task at the same time, so everyone can do their part.

Drag, sort, structure

It's not just groups that you can drag and drop. You can also easily drag the individual items from place and to other groups. Change? New task? Other task completed first? No problem, the work overview has been updated! In the new project module, you work the way you want.

Color coding

A small thing, but very handy for that extra bit of overview. You can color code both projects in general and groups within a project. This is neatly shown in the overview.

For whom?

By default, the new project module is available to all customers who start a new account or who already have a package in the current formula. Do you have a license in the legacy module? Then you will have to switch to use the new project module and many other additional features. Feel free to talk to us if you want advice on which package suits you best.

I still have the old module, how can I switch to the new one?

The new project module replaces the old project module; it is not possible to use both at the same time. A migration tool has been provided in Teamleader Focus that makes it possible to see a demo of the new module and to switch when you are ready. You can only make this switch as an admin user.

Connect with us for full support during your transition and essential training of the new project module in Teamleader Focus. We'd love to give you a demo!