

Looking for a partner for your Xano project?

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Xano is a powerful backend-as-a-service platform designed to accelerate the development and deployment of web and mobile applications. It offers a no-code database, API generator, and server-side logic, allowing you to create complex backend functions without having to write traditional code. With Xano, you can quickly set up database structures, define API endpoints, and integrate with external systems, all from an intuitive interface.

image of Xano interface

Database and server in one

Xano biedt een moderne benadering voor het bouwen van de backend van web- en mobiele applicaties, waardoor de ontwikkelingstijd drastisch wordt verkort. Dit wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de no-code interface, waarmee gebruikers complexe databasestructuren, API-endpoints, en server-side logica kunnen creëren zonder de noodzaak van handmatig coderen.

Dit betekent dat taken die traditioneel dagen of zelfs weken in beslag namen, nu in uren of zelfs minuten kunnen worden voltooid. De snelheid van ontwikkeling wordt verder verhoogd door de mogelijkheid om direct wijzigingen te testen en te implementeren, waardoor de iteratietijd wordt verkort en gebruikers snel kunnen reageren op feedback of veranderende eisen.


Seamless connection between frontend and backend

Gebruikers kunnen op maat gemaakte API-endpoints definiëren die niet alleen basis CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operaties ondersteunen, maar ook complexe logica en gegevensverwerking uitvoeren, zoals gebruikersauthenticatie en conditionele logica.

Bovendien maakt Xano het eenvoudig om externe API's te integreren, waardoor applicaties data kunnen uitwisselen en diensten van derden kunnen gebruiken zoals betaalsystemen, sociale media integraties, en meer.


Wondering how no-code can help you?

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Endless scalability

By building and connecting digital components, we can scale until there is the right product-market fit.

State-of-the-art technology

The new generation of technology is innovative and new developments are constantly being added.

Rapid development

By applying no-code technology, we can develop digital products and services up to 10 times faster.

Considerable cost savings

With a rapid development cycle, we save time, convenience and efficiency in no time

Scalable and flexible

Xano is built to scale, which means your project can easily grow in size and complexity without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. The platform supports a wide range of use cases, and Xano's scalability and flexibility make it an attractive choice for both individual developers and organizations looking to modernize and optimize their backend infrastructure.

Frequently asked questions about Xano

What does Xano cost?

Xano offers a range of subscription plans, from a free entry level to advanced plans that offer more resources and premium features. The exact costs depend on the chosen plan and the required capacity.

Watch this page for more information about the pricing plans.

What types of applications can I build with Xano?

Xano's versatility makes it possible to build the backend for a wide range of applications, from mobile and web applications to IoT systems and SaaS products. With Xano, you can build the backend for almost any type of web or mobile application, so the possibilities are very diverse.

What about security and privacy when using Xano?

Security and privacy are key aspects of Xano. The platform uses industry-standard security practices to protect data, including encryption, secure data storage, and network security protocols. With secure authentication, your APIs and data are well secured.

How do I manage API endpoints and external data with Xano?

Within Xano, you can define API endpoints and configure how these endpoints interact with your database and logic. Xano also supports external API calls, allowing you to retrieve or send data from other services.

How do I integrate Xano with my front end?

Xano offers RESTful APIs that can be easily integrated with any front end, whether it's Webflow, Wized, React, Vue, or native mobile applications. You can call the generated API endpoints directly in your frontend code.

Can I use Xano without programming knowledge or backend development experience?

In principle, Xano is designed to be accessible to users without traditional backend development experience. The no-code interface and extensive documentation and tutorials help users set up and manage their backend. That said, you'll have to overcome a significant learning curve if you don't have development and programming experience. The rule of thumb is: The more you know, the easier it is to use Xano!